Chandrasekar_Palanisamy Hi, Chandrasekar ! Thanks a lot for reaching out.
Did you try the freely available tutorials in our documentation website ?
On the left panel, you can click "Tutorials" for a list of tutorials sorted by simulators and features.
In addition, you can click "Practical Applications" for a list of tutorials sorted in typical a logical progression of simulations, all with the same typical GaAs/AlGaAs device.
We also recently gave a Webinar in collaboration with CMC Microsystems. The webinar gives an overview of the motivation, technological background, and main features of QTCAD.
Finally, you can read about the theoretical background behind each main QTCAD feature in the "Theory" page of the documentation. The theory section also contains a bibliography in which you will find useful references on the technology.
I hope this is helpful to you; please do not hesitate if you need anything else from us, or if you have any specific question.