Hello baohh . Thanks a lot for using NanoDCAL.
Once a self-consistent calculation has been performed, the band structure can be calculated using the flags below:
system.object = NanodcalObject.mat
calculation.name = bandstructure
calculation.bandStructure.symmetryKPoints = {'L','G','X'}
%calculation.bandStructure.coordinatesOfTheSymmetryKPoints = [0.5 0.5 0.5;0 0 0;0.5 0 0.5]'
calculation.bandStructure.numberOfKPoints = 400
calculation.control.xml = true
The keywords specify the following:
- calculation.bandStructure.symmetryKPoints The k-space fractional coordinates of those high symmetry k-points listed in symmetryKPoints, each column corresponds to one of them.
- calculation.bandStructure.coordinatesOfTheSymmetryKPoints If an integer, it is the total number of K-points used to represent the entire band structure. If an integer array, the number of k-points represents each section of the band structure between those high symmetry points.
- calculation.bandStructure.plot If true, a plot will be given after the calculation.
- calculation.control.xml If true, a data file will be given after the calculation.
[For more information, you can also see: https://docs.nanoacademic.com/nanodcal/spin-devices/sd_cl_spin_4ZGNR/](https://)