Hello Hylta , I'm one of the developers working on QTCAD.
I can report, that after a major refactor of the many-body solver, we were able to not only parallelize it, but also improve the performance drastically.
We created a calculation similar to yours and ran some benchmarks on our computer, see the figure below. The lines with triangles indicate the improved version, whereas the round symbols indicate the original version that you were using. The vertical axis shows the wall-clock time in seconds.
The following observations are in line with yours:
The Coulomb integrals (red lines) are calculated already in a parallel and optimized fashion.
The many-body solver takes exponentially increasing time with the number of single-particle states. However, as you observed, at n_states = 6
, the total time reaches impractical levels and dominates the total run time.
The newly improved algorithm is, although still exponential in nature due to the physics involved, vastly faster and does not dominate the calculation time, even for n_states = 7
on our machine.
We hope you will be able to increase the number of states in your calculation as well after downloading QTCAD v1.1, which is scheduled to be released on September 30th.